Charming villa in the medieval citadel of Loches

Religious Sites around Loches

Beaulieu-lès-Loches (37600)

Cité monastique,    02.47 90 94 94

Known in ancient times as « Belli Locus », the town was built around the Abbaye founded in 1007 by Foulques Nerra, the Count of Anjou. It contains many religious buildings.

Chemillé-sur-Indrois (37406)

La Chartreuse du Liget,   02.47 92 70 71

La Corroirie du Liget,   06.80 43 38 75

Old charterhouse established in 1178 by Henri II Plantagenêt the first ; monastery fortified in 1236, the second, with his old church of pure Plantagenet style.


Cormery (37320)

L’abbaye de Cormery,   02.47 43 40 66

Abbey founded by Ithier in 791 and rebuilt and extended in 1054.


Ferrière-Larçon (37350)

Église Sainte-Mandé,  02.47 59 65 72

With his majestic apparance, is was erected in the 12th and 13th centuries to replace a more ancient shrine.


Le Grand-Pressigny (37350)

Église Saint-Gervais Saint-Protais,  02.47 59 70 91

A complex structure erected in stages, from the 12th to the 16th centuries.


Loches (37600)

Collégiale Saint-Ours,  02.47 59 48 21

A splendid Romanesque edifice of the 11th-12th centuries. Of particular interest is the tomb of Agnès Sorel.

Église Saint-Antoine, 02.47 59 48 21


Le Louroux (37240)

Ferme prieurale du Louroux,  02.47 92 06 88

13th century fortified village belonged to the Abbey of Marmoutier.


Marcé-sur-Esves (37160)

Église romaine,  02.47920688

A small Romanesque country church.


Preuilly-sur-Claise (37290)

Église Abbatiale Saint-Pierre,   02.47 94 50 04

One of the Touraine region’s largest Romanesque churches, a jewel of Roman Byzantine.


Sennevières (37600)

Chapelle Saint-Jean du Liget,  02.47 91 82 82

12th century Round Chapel.